good things come to those who wait (and make good use of THAT time!)
On the waitlist for Jess Holloway’s horse training program?
This is the perfect chance to work on a few key areas at home that will set your colt up for success once he or she arrives at PGHB—and ensure we can make the most of every minute your horse is with us. For example:
Get your horse’s teeth checked/floated: When horses arrive with poor oral health, it can lead to behavioral issues (that otherwise might not exist) and/or delays in their training program while we wait on a vet visit.
Get your horse’s hooves trimmed: When horses arrive with untrimmed or sore feet, time is spent troubleshooting lameness issues and scheduling farrier visits instead of in the round pen or the saddle.
Get your horse a bodywork appointment: Want to help your colt feel his or her best for training, mentally and physically? Consider a massage and/or chiropractic session. This is also a great way to head off any underlying physical pain that could lead to behavioral issues during training.
Practice leading your horse: We don’t expect young horses to lead perfectly when they arrive, but those that arrive with basic leading skills can progress more quickly from day one.
Practice teaching personal space: We see a lot of colts that try to walk all over people—literally! Whether you’re out in the field, grooming in the cross-ties, or leading, make it clear that your colt isn’t allowed inside your “bubble.”
Practice catching your horse: If we spend 30 minutes catching your colt, that’s 30 minutes we can’t spend in the arena on other exercises.
Think hard about your goals: Do you want a reliable trail horse? Do you want to compete in reined cow horse competitions? Do you want to help friends gather cows? Whatever your unique goals, we’d love to know about them up front so we can further tailor training exercises to your individual horse.